Energy Healing
Crystal Bed Healing
Spiritual Healing Teaching
Individual Healing
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Healing works at a very deep level on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, your whole being. These one on one sessions, align your physical body, stimulate its' natural healing ability, facilitate spiritual growth, opens your heart allowing self-awareness and love for yourself and others, and helps you get to the deep root of an issue and resolve it.
This is one-on-one session with Ann.
45 minutes - $180
Package of 8 single Crystal Light sessions plus Healing- $400 Prepaid
Group Healing Sessions
Learn Spiritual Healing
If you would like to learn about energy, frequency and vibration. Suitable for novices and people who have the desire to improve being an energy healer.
(suits Reiki, massage therapists, healers)
Intensive Course over two months of 32hrs of experiential and practical learning experience over 2 x 3 day weekends. Starts June, August, October.
Thursday evenings 6pm-8pm each week for 8 weeks in addition to 2 Sundays.
This training is done within a small group. Starts in May, July, September.
Crystal Light Bed Therapy
Crystal Light Bed Therapy provides a relaxing, rejuvenating, repairing and re-balancing experience that cleanses and aligns your chakras, the vital energy centers in your body. It lifts your energy vibration, and stimulates and boosts your immune system, great for pre and post operative care and healing. Regular sessions will help you feel more vibrant and energized, less stressed and you will sleep better.
30 minutes - $60
1 hour - $80
Special 3 sessions - 2 x 20 minutes and 1 x 40 minute sessions - $100 Prepaid
Package of 8 single Crystal Light sessions plus Healing- $400 Prepaid
Circle of Light
Monthly group gathering for pure healing light through Ann, with everyone receiving healing. Please reach out for the next session held on Friday evenings.
1.5 hours - $35
Distant Healing
Distant Healing with Ann -allow 45 minutes - $150.00
Healing Meditation Group
Weekly sessions are held at Ann’s home clinic in South Perth. Contact Ann for further details.
6.30pm - 8pm - $20
Deep Space Clearing
The best time to do this is before moving into a new house, office, renovating or other spaces or if you feel you need to cleanse your current space.
You will feel positive, light and energised and want to spend time in your space.
1 hour - $180
All you need to do is to lie on a bed or be seated in a chair by yourself while the actual healing is taking place